Sunday, September 16, 2012

International students gain American experience

The OU Cousins program is giving OU students a way to connect with the international community without ever leaving Norman.  At a Matching Party this Thursday, September 20, at 5 p.m., students will have a chance to match themselves to one of many international students who are looking for someone to give them the true American experience. 

President and Mrs. David Boren created the OU Cousins program in 1996 “as a way of developing understanding, friendship, and unity among U.S., International, and exchange students at the University of Oklahoma,” according to the OU Cousins website.

OU Cousins Student Director Ray Wolber explained that many international students have been disappointed with their stay at OU, because they did not feel like they gained a true insight into American life.

“The program is so important because we are providing those key friendships that allow the international exchange program to be a little more comfortable for those going abroad,” Wolber said. 

Wolber said he was pleased by the record-breaking number of students who showed interest in the program this year.  From under 100 students involved during its first year, to over 900 involved this year, the program has grown successfully since its beginning. 

“I wanted to get involved with the program because it is so unique to the University,” Wolber said.  “OU Cousins is one of the elite International and American pairing programs in the Big XII, so to have a leadership position in the program is an honor.”

Freshman Matt Beasley said he can’t wait to be paired up with his cousin.  He bounced with anticipation when he said he has already been thinking of the types of activities that he would like to do with his cousin. 

“I love coffee so I’d probably want to do coffee with them,” Beasley, who is a European studies major, said.  “I’d also want to take them to a real Texas barbecue.  I’m from Texas, and that seems like something that they wouldn’t have at home.” 

Beasley attended one of several informational sessions that prepared interested students for the responsibilities of having an international cousin.  Students are encouraged to spend time with their cousin, and attend group activities throughout the year, although the events are not mandatory.

The program will host an Annual Pumpkin Carve and Fall Festival in October, as well as events at Christmas and a ranch field trip in April. 

The Matching Party will be held at the Jim Thorpe Multicultural Center, and will allow students to meet and match themselves with an international students.  Students who do not attend will be matched through a computer system, so all are encouraged to go to the party, Wolber said. 

“The best part about the program is the people that you have the opportunity to meet,” Wolber said.  “OU Cousins is so special in the sense that by getting involved in the program, you are placing yourself in a situation to interact with people from all over the world that you probably would not be able to otherwise.”

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